Web Page Evaluation
First I would like to emphasize that there are so many information on the internet which mention about how to evaluation web pages, and some of them are quite useful for us who study in the campus. We have already learned how to evaluate a web site from professor Huang in the Internet English subject, and now I would like to talk about some other elements when evaluating web sites.
In strategies part, I seek to adapt traditional information evaluation techniques to the Internet environment. I do it by emphasizing the overall nature of information on the Internet and how that information makes it online. And then I can compare a traditional process of finding and evaluating information in an off-line environment to the same process in an online environment, in order to help shape new mental models of understanding. For instance, you might first describe a traditional print publication process: Research starts out as a lab report, evolving into a conference paper, eventually into an article in a peer-reviewed journal that is subsequently cited in an index to be accessed for public dissemination. In this sense, information on the Internet is comparable to that found on grocery store bulletin boards or in hobbyist association meetings. It may be important, but it may not be reliable or authoritative. By both contrasting and comparing, we are reinforcing the concept of unfiltered information and the need for evaluation.
Some we knew so far about web are quite old fashioned already, but somehow it could be more important if we have an idea to enhance the web concepts we had become a new general thinking. In this case, I feel like stressing on the point which is about compare the information. Why is it important to evaluate information? This may seem a rhetorical question for anyone who uses the Internet for serious research, but it is important to emphasize the uneven quality of information on the Internet. Web is a station offers us latest news and information, and the internet is created under the central idea. Therefore, it’s obviously significant to emphasize this point when creating a web site.
At the end of the reflection, I assume that I did learn some knowledge when making a web site evaluation. Recently, the internet is blooming as fast as times go by. It would be our advantage to have such a skill to evaluate the web, and also, we may not establish a successful web page without knowing how to make a good web page evaluation. At the meantime, we could both probably start a business to help people to set a web site and to have a class to teach people how to analyze the elements when observing the internet in the future days. And probably that could be another chance for AFL students while the day we search for a job.
Kevin 49142109
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