It's nice to have you here to see this web around, this is the place I put my art-works and pictures. And hopefully you guys are going to be enjoyable here.

Sunday, May 08, 2005

About my web

First I wan to say that I’m not way too satisfied with my page so far. There are not enough links and special features added in this page. Actually, I would like to post more wall papers and the information that you may interested in news and weather reports. Actually, I also want to establish a form for my resume too.
But no matter what, I am still proud of my favorite movie star Bruce Lee. And I wish I could add more information of him, but there is just not enough time to do that. By the way, I failed in the hyperlink which can trace back to the main page for users. as to the learning philosophy, I tell the truth. Although I don’t like to study, I still have some opinion to my statements. For some of you may not like the way I face to the world, but that’s me. Different people make the world differently, right? In my page, I provide all users free download right to download the pictures of Bruce Lee. For those who love Bruce Lee, this may be the advantage of my web page.


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