It's nice to have you here to see this web around, this is the place I put my art-works and pictures. And hopefully you guys are going to be enjoyable here.

Monday, March 07, 2005

How to post pictures?

Inorder to post the pictures, you will be required to download a software which is called "Hello". You can find it in the place where you edit your profile. Once you download the software sucessfully, you can strat to sign-up an account for a user for the software. As long as you sign-in, you may start to use Hello. Firstly, press "send to friend" and get yourself a picture, then select a specific friend that you want to send your picture to. Usually, if you want to post on your blog, choose "Blogbot" uption and click in. Then you will hear a camera sound, which means you succeed in this step. And you can select the picture you selected before and type some information on the right side of the box. It locates at the bottom of the panel of Hello software. Then you can click "Publish" to post the picture on you blog. Try it and enjoy the fun of blog. If you have any question of that, welcome to call me and ask me for specific detail for solutions. Written By Kevin


Blogger Kevin said...


It's my pleasure to share the information with those who visit my blog. And I'm surprised that professor Huang is so considerate to visit our blog. Actually, I do feel that there are something really interesting about this course waiting for us to discover and learn. Thank you for visiting my blog. ^^

5:20 AM


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